Strains to the muscles of the neck are by far the most common source of kids? neck pain. Its symptoms, including pain at the back of the neck and limited range of motion, might stem from a sports injury or simply sleeping in a funny position.
In most cases, kids? neck muscle Pain Relief can be achieved by following simple, at-home steps such as applying heat to the sore region and taking a break from stressful activities. For children having trouble sleeping at night, you might consider putting a rolled towel under their neck or having them wear a soft neck brace for sleeping that limits movement.
Extensive measures may be needed for more serious neck strains, such as whiplash.
Whiplash?refers to a forceful back and forth movement of the neck, often due to a rear-end automobile accident. Sports injury (especially in contact sports), physical abuse, or other trauma can also cause whiplash.
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